Conversion Rate Calculator
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Schedule A CallHow We Do It: Our Winning Process
Step 1: Research & Analyze Data
We'll use data tools to review your current conversion rates and establish a baseline to improve upon. We'll also look at your overall marketing initiatives and heat maps to gain an understanding of where there might be "leaks in your faucet".

Step 2: Form A Hypothesis
After analyzing the data, we'll identify "testable" areas of opportunity we think will make the biggest impact on your conversion rates. We'll develop hypotheses to test against the current elements on your page(s). In this stage, we'll also run the page(s) through a brainstorming protocol including AI & machine-learning software to refine hypotheses before deployment for the best possible results.

Step 3: Run Split Tests
Next, we’ll deploy intelligent multivariate split tests using AI and Machine Learning tools combined with advanced overlay technology to compare multiple variations against our hypothesis of what will increase conversions. We’ll also be monitoring user behavior using heatmaps, clickmaps, and recordings.

Step 4: Review Test Results
After running split tests long enough to gather data we're very confident with (usually takes about 2 weeks), we'll identify the winning variation, and implement it as the new baseline version. It's worth noting that we run multiple tests at the same time to maximize upside and timeline to success.

Step 5: Implementation
After identifying a winning variation, we'll make it real on your website.

Rinse & Repeat
This is where results start to amplify and compound.
MACHINA | A Human + AI Growth Marketing Company